Peter’s Banana Smoothie


“I’ve been on a bit of a diet lately which has sadly meant no sweet treats :( But when I’m craving something sweet this is a good medium because it’s pretty much milk and bananas! Not the level of sugar / calories I would usually have in a cookie :)”

Peter Mesh
Coordinator / BD


What pairs best with this recipe?

Just whenever you’re craving something sweet. Usually alongside or after dinner though.

What were some of your 2024 obsessions?

“Made in Chelsea”! Trash TV but can’t deny my love for it. Whilst cooking, whilst eating what I’ve cooked, on the tube into work, at lunch breaks at work. Any time, any place.



  • Banana

  • Whole Milk

  • Ice Cubes

  • Pinch of Cinnamon

  • table spoon of Organic Honey


All blended but HAVE to put the milk first otherwise everything just sticks to the bottle and doesn’t get blended.


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